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Tutorial: how to set up Paralus on Amazon EKS

· 6 min read
Atulpriya Sharma

With the help of this guide you'll be able to setup an Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) cluster on a custom domain and deploy Paralus on it.

Table Of Content:

Pre Requisites

To setup Paralus on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) there are a few prerequisites:

Configuring A User on IAM

Amazon recommends using a different user with a designated role instead of using the root user. Hence before creating an EKS cluster, you need to configure a user in AWS. This is an important step as without this, you might not be able to connect to your cluster and perform tasks.

Refer to the guide to create an IAM User.

Once you have created the user, keep the Access Key Id and Secret Access Key

In the console, you need to configure your account with aws cli, execute aws configure command and provide the details

aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [none]: <Your Access Key Id>
AWS Secret Access Key [none]: <Your Secret Access Key>
Default region name [None]: <AWS region>
Default output format [None]:

Validate the configuration by executing the following command, you should see the output with the account and the Arn.

aws sts get-caller-identity

"Account": "1234566788900",
"Arn": "arn:aws:iam::1234566788900:user/"

Creating EKS Cluster

There are two ways to create an EKS cluster:

After the cluster is created, you need to update the kubeconfig file. You can do so by using the following command by providing the cluster name and the location.

aws eks update-kubeconfig --name ferocious-gopher-1653447065
Added new context arn:aws:eks:us-west-2:645114859692:cluster/ferocious-gopher-1653447065 to /home/user/.kube/config

Installing Paralus

  1. Add helm repo

    helm repo add paralus

  2. Install Paralus

     helm install myrelease paralus/ztka \
    -f \
    --set fqdn.domain="" \
    -n paralus \

    Note: If you're installing this in a production environment, please use values.yaml and configure the values mentioned here as required.

    Note: Since v0.1.9, elasticsearch is an optional component. By default, Paralus will use database (Postgres) as the auditlog storage component. If you're doing a fresh install, below are the values.yaml file that you must pass during installation:

    1. Access the application URL by running these commands: Get load balancer address via: kubectl get service envoy --namespace paralus -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}'

      Add DNS records of following domains such that it resolves to above address:


    • *

    • * Open in browser.

      You can view the recovery link for admin user by running the following command once all the pods are running:

      kubectl logs -f --namespace paralus $(kubectl get pods --namespace paralus -l'paralus' -o jsonpath='{ .items[0] }') initialize-paralus | grep 'Org Admin signup URL:'

Note: It can take upto a few minutes before all the pods are running and you can access the Web UI. You can check the status using watch kubectl get pods

Configuring DNS Settings

Once the installation is complete, you need to first get the external IP address provided by AWS. You can do so by executing the following command:

kubectl get svc myrelease-contour-envoy -n paralus

myrelease-contour-envoy LoadBalancer 80:31810/TCP,443:30292/TCP 10m

Navigate to your domain's DNS setting page. The steps for changing DNS settings will vary based on your domain name provider.

While you are on your DNS Setting page, for the selected domain name, you need to add three CNAME records. These will be based on the subdomains provided in the notes section post installation.

Custom Domain DNS Settings

Accessing The Dashboard

Paralus is installed with a default organization and an admin user. Hence, after installation, you need to set a password for the user. To do so, execute the command that you get after installing Paralus.

 kubectl logs -f --namespace paralus $(kubectl get pods --namespace paralus -l'paralus' -o jsonpath='{ .items[0] }') initialize | grep 'Org Admin signup URL:'

Org Admin signup URL:

Note: The password recovery link generated while deploying Paralus is valid only for 10 minutes. For any reason if the link is expired, refer to our troubleshooting guide to re-generate the password reset link.

Access the URL in a browser, and provide a new password. In a new browser window/tab navigate to and log in with the following credentials:

  • username: admin@paralus.local - or the one you specified in values.yaml
  • password: <The one you entered above>

You'll be taken to the projects page where you'll see a default project.

Paralus default project screen

Importing Existing Cluster

Everything in Paralus is grouped into Projects. Each project will have clusters, users and groups associated with it. Hence the first step it to create a new project.

Click on New Project to create a new project and then import a cluster in that project.

Create New Cluster

Click Continue and download the bootstrap yaml file by clicking Import Bootstrap YAML. This will download the YAML file that is required to connect your cluster with Paralus.

Download Bootstrap YAML file

Apply the bootstrap configuration yaml file

kubectl apply -f mylocalcluster.yaml

Wait for the changes to take place. On the dashboard you will see that the cluster is imported successfully. It usually takes 3-5 minutes for the status to update.

Import Cluster Success

Select your newly imported cluster and click on kubectl to access the prompt and interact with your cluster from the dashboard.

A kubectl console will open in the bottom half of the screen, enter your kubectl commands to interact with your cluster.

Accessing imported cluster via kubectl

Congratulations! You've successfully deployed Paralus on EKS and imported a local cluster.

Refer to our documentation to learn about various features of Paralus.
